Acts 2:1-13
Join us as Herbie Newell and Josh Caldwell lead us through Acts 2:1-13 and prayers for Birthmothers.
Join us as Herbie Newell and Josh Caldwell lead us through Acts 2:1-13 and prayers for Birthmothers.
- Pray that they willcome to know the Lord and His redeeming love.
- That God will open their eyes to see that they and their children are made in the image of God and are thus valuable.
- God will lead women to choose life for the baby and that they will consider adoption
- Pray that women will reach out so that we will have the opportunity to share the gospel with them.
- Pray for hospitals, OBGYNs, and pediatricians to desire to partner with Lifeline and see the value in utilizing an agency like Lifeline
- Praise for the many Pregnancy Center (PRC)partnerships we have and pray for the Lord to deepen existing relationships and to establish new partnerships with new PRCs
- Pray for the Lord to direct women searching for adoption resources online to Lifeline
- Pray for Him to use their earthly adoption stories to show them the good news of eternal adoption – for God’s Kingdom to come in their hearts and lives – for them to know, glorify and enjoy Jesus.
- Pray specifically for Rachel who placed her baby with a family but is unsure if the adoption will happen from a legal standpoint. Pray for peace for Rachel and the family.
- Praise the Lord for our pregnancy counseling team!
- Pray for their relationships with the Lord and reliance upon the Holy Spirit to be primary in their daily lives so that what is needed for each birth parent would come as an outflow of the Spirit’s work.
- Pray that God would grow them in wisdom, compassion, and boldness, pointing birth parents to Christ.
- Pray for times of rest
- Praise the Lord for the women who are choosing life and for the perspective the Lord has given them to see life as valuable.
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