Acts 16:16-40
Join us as Herbie Newell and Jason Sampler lead us through Acts 16:16-40 and prayers for Togo.
- Pray that the Voodoo spirit would be torn down with the truth of Christ.
- Pray that the Church would rise up to engage in orphan care with the skills and abilities God has uniquely given them.
- Pray that God would raise up churches in the United States to champion a cause for the fatherless and put Togo on their heart.
- Pray that the gospel would penetrate the hearts of the people.
- Pray that strong leaders would rise up to lead the nation of Togo in an ethical way.
- Pray that a fresh vision of orphan care would be communicated to the leaders so that holistic orphan care can go forth.
- Pray for our partner, Pastor Francois, and future growth in our partnership with him and local church leaders in Togo.
- Pray for GADIS (a group of local business and church leaders caring advocating for the OVCs in Togo) Pray for leadership and organization in the group.
- Praise for Godwin, Winner and Bernard. They started with a few chickens and have expanded to 3000+. They have also began raising pigs!
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