Acts 10:1-35
Join us as Herbie Newell and Dr. Rick Morton lead us through Acts 10:1-35 and prayers for Costa Rica.
Join us as Herbie Newell and Dr. Rick Morton lead us through Acts 10:1-35 and prayers for Costa Rica.
- We’d love to pray the Lord would reach their hearts to help them better know Him personally
- That the Lord would provide them wisdom, encouragement, & resources as they evaluate children/ families and work hard to advocate for better processes, too.
- Specifically, we’d love to pray for our major contacts there and lift them up to the Lord as they have big jobs with little support:
- Jorge: adoption director
- Sonia, Elizabeth, & Sylvia: lead psychologists & social worker
- The Council of Adoptions (board of directors who have the final say in dossier approvals and matching after PANI makes their recommendations).
- The Protection Unit: oversees our licenses for unadopted, mission trips, & trainings
- Pray the local churches, missionaries, and organizations in their efforts to share Christ in their communities and care for the children & families of Costa Rica
- Ray & Lidia Zierkel: Missionaries who run the Methodist Home and are partnering with us for adoptions & unadopted
- Steve & Georgiana Thomas: Missionaries who run the Abraham Project and partner with us for adoptions
- Marjorie & Tyler: Costa Rican believer & husband (who is now a missionary there) who run a home there and are partnering with us for adoptions and unadopted
- Casa Viva:
- This is a Christian non-profit that is running the entire foster care system for the country. They are only licensing local believer to be foster families (Praise the Lord!). We’d love to pray over them, their mission, and for the ways they are caring for over 300 children already! We are praying for unique ways to partner with them in the future, too.
- Pray for wisdom and opportunities for (un)adopted as we plan for future care giver and foster care trainings as well as mission trips. The Lord is doing some really big things!
- For their hearts, that they may learn of their Heavenly Father and that He will comfort them in their distress.
- For advocates to arise to love, care for, and help them. Many children spend years in care without receiving abandonment decrees due to a failed system. Let’s pray the Lord raises up the right people to fight for them and help them be reunited to their families or forever adoptive families.
- For the specific children we met on the last trip – we met over 200 children that are waiting for forever families. Let’s pray for the Lord’s will in their lives and that we can be good advocates for each of them.
- Post Adoption Families and Adopted Children:
- Pray for the families who are already home with their children as they adjust, care for, support, and seek resources for their children. Pray for wisdom, rest, and perspective for the parents.
- Pray for the children’s hearts as they process their hurts and that they would find comfort and healing through Christ.
- Families in Process: we’d love to lift up each family who is waiting and working hard to be matched with their child/ children. Pray for peace & endurance, and that they’d use this time wisely to prepare their families for what’s to come.
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