Acts 1:1-11
Join us as Herbie Newell leads us through Acts 1:1-11 and prayers for Togo.
Join us as Herbie Newell leads us through Acts 1:1-11 and prayers for Togo.
- Pray that the Voodoo spirit would be torn down with the truth of Christ.
- Pray that the Church would rise up to engage in orphan care with the skills and abilities God has uniquely given them.
- Pray that God would raise up churches in the United States to champion a cause for the fatherless and put Togo on their heart.
- Pray that the gospel would penetrate the hearts of the people.
- Pray that strong leaders would rise up to lead the nation of Togo in an ethical way.
- Pray that a fresh vision of orphan care would be communicated to the leaders so that holistic orphan care can go forth.
- Pray for our partner, Pastor Francois, and future growth in our partnership with him and local church leaders in Togo.
- Pray for the upcoming “vision” trip to Togo that Michael Edwards will lead. Pray that the next steps of partnership are clear during this time.
- Praise for Godwin, Winner and Bernard (who grew up in an orphanage in Togo and now use skills that they’ve learned to help other orphans).
- Praise that God is living and active in faraway places like Togo. Many people have never been there or even heard of the country, but we’re thankful that God knows each and every person that lives there.
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