Master Plan of Evangelism: Reproduction
Join us as Herbie Newell leads us through Chapter Eight of Master Plan of Evangelism: Reproduction as well as prayers for Peru.
Join us as Herbie Newell leads us through Chapter Eight of Master Plan of Evangelism: Reproduction as well as prayers for Peru.
- Pray for the Peru program as we no longer have any active families in process and pray for our team as we are taking a step back to evaluate the future of the program and how we can grow and advocate in Peru.
- Pray for the government of Peru and the central authority (DGA/MIMP) to make wise decisions about orphan care.
- Pray specifically for the newest director of adoptions that took office this month. Pray that their administration will work in the best interested of the children.
- Pray for the children of Peru: that they would hear the gospel & would also be sustained in their times of difficulty and waiting.
- Pray for the government to create better advocacy policies for the children to be declared abandoned to be eligible for adoption or to be reunited with biological families.
- Pray for the children at Not Forgotten and for Gene and Patty as they lead the staff who care for the boys at the home.
- Pray for wisdom over the Peru team (Josh, Ferrah, Beth and Meredith Crawford) – pray as they evaluate what the future of the program will look like and navigate decisions moving forward.
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