3 John
Join us as Herbie Newell leads us through 3 John as well as prayers for Taiwan.
Join us as Herbie Newell leads us through 3 John as well as prayers for Taiwan.
- Pray for the nation of Taiwan to be protected from the spreading Coronavirus, that they would have political freedom to make the decisions necessary to protect their people.
- Pray for our partners in Taiwan, Cathwel, that the Lord would sustain the work that they are doing in Taiwan with Birth mothers and vulnerable children and that all would remain healthy and safe.
- For the Gospel to go forth in Taiwan. Pray for the grip of Buddhism and Ancestor Worship to loosen and the God of the gospel to triumph.
- For growth and awareness of this special needs program as we continue to advocate for children.
- Pray for a family to come forward for a sibling group of 4 who may be split up soon.
- That God would protect children while they wait and place Christian caregivers and foster families in their lives.
- That Cathwel and Taiwan would be more open minded to expat adoption, out of birth order adoption, and larger family adoption.
- Praise the Lord for the hearts of the workers at Cathwel as they truly desire what is best for the children in their care.
- Praise the Lord for growing openness to out of ordinary PAP situations
- Praise God for two families who will be traveling soon to adopt their children: Wright (older boy) and Buckley (older girl)!
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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lifelinechild
Twitter: @lifelinechild
Instagram: lifelinechild